Project Solutions

STEM Project Solutions for Technology, Engineering, Life Sciences & the Public Sector.

Project Solutions

Power your Projects with Roc Search

We understand that building successful project teams is crucial for achieving your long-term goals. That's why we go beyond just filling roles. 

Working closely with your teams, we collaborate to identify the specific talent you need to bring your projects to life. Through our industry expertise, we gain a comprehensive understanding of your business, culture and project requirements to craft a hiring strategy tailored to your unique needs. 

This ensures we attract the exact high-caliber candidates you need to seamlessly integrate into your business. The result? High-performing project teams that drive success and propel your growth from the very start.

Our process

Consultation & Understanding

Our specialist project team will conduct an in-depth consultation to fully understand your company's hiring goals, candidate requirements, and project timeline. 

Solution Design & Strategy

Based on your unique needs, we develop a customised recruitment strategy, leveraging our comprehensive suite of solutions to find the perfect approach for your staffing needs.

Targeted Candidate Sourcing

We utilise our extensive network of over 1 million active and passive candidates, as well as access to industry-leading job boards, to source highly qualified and relevant professionals for your specific needs.


Our team conducts thorough pre-employment assessments, including reference-checks, technical skills testing and legal employment eligibility. This all ensures you receive only the most qualified candidates.

Full Process Management

Serving as your single point of contact, we manage the entire recruitment process, keeping you and the candidates informed every step of the way.

Offer Negotiation & Placement

We guide both you and the candidates through the offer negotiation process, ensuring a smooth transition to employment and minimising post-offer dropouts.

Post-placement care

After the placement is accepted and confirmed, our team will continue to support through on-boarding and beyond, ensuring a successful, seamless transistion. 

Client Success Management

Even after the placement is made our team are on hand to advise and support, functioning as an extension of your business to facilitate project and business success through world-class recruitment. 

Why our Clients
Hire with Roc Search

Reduced Time to hire

Fill open positions quickly and efficiently for project deadlines.

Cost-Effective Recruitment

Pay only for the resources you need for the defined project duration.

Access to Top Talent

Tap into our extensive network of skilled STEM professionals.

Reduced Workload

Free up your internal HR team to focus on core strategic initiatives.

Flexibility & Scalability

Scale your team up or down as project needs evolve.

Trusted for Excellence

Benefit from our expertise and proven track record hiring for countless customers.

Sectors we Empower

Specialised recruitment solutions empowering industries that shape the future.

Connecting leading businesses across the globe with the minds shaping the technology of tomorrow, powering innovation and revolutionising the future.

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By bridging the gap between leading organisations and elite engineering expertise, we help our customers bring their engineering visions to life.

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Shape the world around you by finding leading built environment specialists with Roc Search. From architects, designers to construction specialists, we connect you with the right people to create lasting impact.

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Revolutionising the healthcare industry through our life sciences recruitment solutions.

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Making a real impact on lives through our support of the public sector industry.

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Trusted for Excellence

Our customers trust us to deliver exceptional recruitment solutions. Our commitment to exceeding expectations is why hundreds have rated us "Excellent" on Trustpilot.

Check out our reviews on Trustpilot

Reach Out to Our Team

Our Solutions

Your success starts with having the right people across your teams. Tap into our professional networks of leading STEM talent and leverage our industry expertise to build lasting, high-performing teams or fulfil your short-term hiring needs.

We understand that building successful project teams is crucial for achieving your long-term goals. That's why we go beyond just filling roles. 

Working closely with your teams, we collaborate to identify the specific talent you need to bring your projects to life. Through our industry expertise, we gain a comprehensive understanding of your business, culture and project requirements to craft a hiring strategy tailored to your unique needs. 

This ensures we attract the exact high-caliber candidates you need to seamlessly integrate into your existing teams. The result? High-performing project teams that drive success and propel your growth from the very start.

Need to quickly scale your workforce for temporary needs or special projects? Our Contract Solutions are here to help. We act as an extension of your team, sourcing and securing top-tier talent for contract, freelance, or temporary positions. We handle the entire process, from candidate screening and skills assessments to offer negotiation and onboarding. This allows you to focus on core business activities while acquiring the specific expertise you need, when you need it.

Finding the perfect permanent talent can be a challenge. Our Permanent Solutions offer a comprehensive approach to ensure you secure the right long-term fit for your organisation. We leverage our vast network and in-depth recruitment expertise to identify high-potential candidates aligned with your company culture and values.  Our tailored recruitment process streamlines the hiring journey, saving you time and resources. The result? A strong and stable workforce that contributes to your long-term success.

Building a high-performing team goes beyond just filling open positions. Our Talent and Advisory solutions go beyond traditional recruitment, getting under the bonnet to offer you strategic guidance and support. We partner with you to identify how best to tackle your recruitment challenges and optimise your company's talent strategy by advising on solutions and processes that ensure you hire and retain the very best talent in the market.

In today's competitive market, data-driven decision making is crucial. Our Talent Insights & Resources provide you with the knowledge you need to keep ahead of market trends and make informed hiring choices. With our insights, you gain a competitive edge in the talent market, enabling you to build a future-proof workforce.

We are Roc Search

If you’re hiring into your team or looking for your next career opportunity, you can trust us to find what you’re searching for.